Dana Skelton_Web Bio Picture.jpg

Direct: 919.827.0823
Fax: 919.876.5737

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Hi I’m Dana! I was born in Nashville, TN and grew up in Mobile, AL. I attended college at North Carolina State University (Go Pack!), where I studied Industrial Design.  At Zig Zibit I’m an Engineer, where I use 3D modeling to translate the designers’ vision into engineering drawings and manufacturing specs. I work with the production team very closely to solve building issues in furniture designs, signage, and wall structures. So far, my favorite project I’ve worked on at Zig is the North Carolina Museum of Art platforms for the new African art exhibit.

I started my career in the industrial design field. I always thought exhibit design was a cool, creative and fun industry to work in.  My favorite part of working at Zig Zibit is the fun, energetic team and that we get to work with such a wide variety of clients.  The designs we get to do are very innovative and the projects have a fast-paced, turnaround time.  Every day is a new, fun challenge!

In my spare time, I love to do anything that is action-packed. I love playing sports, being outside, watching basketball and football, and playing golf.